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The Uribag is a small, well designed urinal that stows away neatly in a pocket or handbag.
There is a model for gentlemen and boys, the Uribag, and one for ladies and girls, the Uribag-F (anatomically formed).
Light and durable, the Uribags snap-lock seal does not leak, is odour proof and is easily stored.
When used, the tight fitting top will keep it closed until it is emptied.
After cleaning the bag folds away neatly into the tube.
Instructions for Use
Remove the cap first, only then slide the latex bag from the tube.
Following use the Uribag can be rinsed with soapy water.
Once the Uribag has been emptied and rinsed clean, the latex bag can then be slid back into the tube and the cap replaced.
For reasons of hygiene it is recommended that Uribags are kept strictly for personal use.
Anyone with a hypersensitive reaction to latex should avoid use of the Uribag.
CAUTION - Uribags contain natural latex which may cause an allergic reaction. -
The Uribag should, as much as possible, be protected from exposure to ultraviolet light (daylight and sunlight) and oily substances.
The Uribag is only intended for urination and should not be used for any other purpose.
The Uribag has a maximum content of approx. 1200cc.
The liner is made of latex, a 100% natural product, and, as a cosequence, in the event of frequent use, wear may occur at an early stage.)