Gives you the added grip you need to turn and remove the most stubborn of lids, with very...
No more twisting and straining to open jars.
Dual lift function . Lay flat chair design . Footrest extension for increased comfort . All...
Spill Proof 7oz Cup
Aids in grip for easy key turning, holds single key
Heavy duty knee walker with 180kg weight capacity
A knee walker is a four-wheeled alternative to crutches or a traditional walker as mobility aid.
Feature packed mid-size mobility scooter
Laminate top, adjustable height and angle table suitable for bed or chair
Enables a bowler to utilise a walking stick for support on the bowling green.
Aids with moving a stiff or immobile leg.
Two stage lift function . Lay flat chair design . Powered headrest to lift or lower head...
Super lightweight triwalker
Norco bath sponge with lufa
Hardened Plastic Urinal Bottles
EX HIRE CLEARANCE $1500 For further information or expressions of interest please make an...
Mattress made from pure natural latex ideal for joint pain and pressure areas